Publication of Pension Board Annual Report 2023

The Pension Board has published its Annual Report for 2023, a year in which considerable work was carried out. The Pension Board, the Pension Manager and the Senior Analyst of the J&J Pension Fund OFP have worked with passion and dedication to achieve our goals. Their combined efforts have laid a solid foundation for a future full of confidence and stability.

The Pension Board was once again complete at the end of 2023
The Pension Board, comprising representatives of both employees and employers, plays a crucial role in advising the pension fund board, the central works council and the employers. Their advice focuses on issues such as pension scheme content, funding plans and communication policy. Each year, the Pension Board renders account in an annual report. Two members of the board representing employers were replaced in 2023. During the year, members met quarterly to discuss the progress of committees and the Pension Board.

2023 was dominated by the new Pension Agreement
In addition to its regular duties, the Pension Board is actively involved in the Employer and Employee (E+E) working group, set up to prepare for the new pension system. In 2023, considerable energy was put into the drafting of the new pension agreement, which will have to be implemented by 1 January 2028.

Read updates from the E+E working group
Implementation of the new pension system will be a top priority for the Pension Board in the coming years. The E+E working group will keep you constantly updated on the latest developments and progress of its work. You will be notified automatically as soon as an update is available. You can easily find all updates at My pension.

How are we doing financially?
In 2023, our pension fund's funding ratio increased from 94.8% at the end of 2022 to 151% at the end of 2023. This was mainly caused by the increase in interest rates.
Indexation advice for active participants, former participants and pension beneficiaries (inactive participants)
The Pension Board worked on nine recommendations in 2023, including three relating to indexation for active and inactive participants.

Would you like to find out about all the developments in 2023?
You can find the Pension Board Report 2023 in layer 3 of the Pensioen 1-2-3 in My pension.