Risk Preference Survey results determine investment policy

Update on Future Pensions Act

The Future of Pensions Act (Wtp) must be implemented by 1 January 2028. J&J Pension Fund OFP conducted research in preparation for this in November 2023 on how much risk members are willing and able to take with their pension capital. This examination is called the Risk Preference Survey (Dutch RPO). We previously shared the results in our April newsletter Pension news #1 2024

Thank you for making your voice heard!
A total of 7,639 members were invited to take part in the survey; 1,449 members (19% of all invited members) fully completed the questionnaire. A response rate of 19% is a representative reflection of the member base. The information you shared with us is valuable to the pension fund. We thank everyone who took the time to fill in the questionnaire. The table below shows the response rate by target group.


Invited Response rate
Active members * 3.772 880 23%
Former members ** 3.204 369 12%
Pensioners *** 663 200 30%
Total 7.639 1449 19%

* Active members are those employed by J&J. ** Former members are members who are no longer employed by J&J and have accrued pension with J&J Pension Fund OFP. *** Pensioners receive pension benefits.

Why was a Risk Preference Survey conducted?
Your contributions for your future pension are invested. How much pension you get is not set in advance. Everyone deals with this uncertainty in different ways. This is what we asked your opinion on in the Risk Preference Survey. 

The results in broad terms

  • The risk preference of older members tends to be more defensive and less often offensive.
  • The risk preference of pensioners is more often somewhat more defensive and less often offensive compared to members and former members.
  • Compared to the benchmark, members and former members have a relatively more offensive risk preference.
  • Active members have a preference for risk-sharing, but not at the expense of their own pensions.
  • Members like to leave investment choices to the pension fund, but want a say in how much risk the pension fund takes. 
  • There is no clear preference for a fixed or variable pension. 

J&J Pension Fund OFP will analyse results
The results of the survey will be analysed in the coming months to determine the investment policy (how should pension money be invested) and the lifecycle (distribution of investments between more high-risk equities and lower-risk fixed-income securities, such as bonds) by age or age group.

Stay informed 
Check whether your private e-mail address is registered in My pension. If you provide your private e-mail address, we are able to reach you electronically at all times, even when you are retired or leaving your employment.

Please visit our website for more information on the pension scheme
On our Pension Agreement page you will find a lot of information about the new pension system. Under the new frameworks, the employer Johnson & Johnson, the works councils and the J&J Pension Fund OFP will set new pension arrangements. An Employer+Employee (E+E) working group has been launched to work on these. Meet the work group and check My pension to read about the latest updates from the work group.