What does our pension scheme cover?
When you retire, you will start to receive a retirement pension. Officially, your pension with us will start on the 1st day of the month after your 68th birthday. However, you may also retire early or defer your pension.
If you die, your partner will receive a partner's pension and your children will receive an orphan's pension. Your partner will also receive a temporary partner’s pension until his or her statutory retirement date.
If you become disabled, You will continue to accrue a pension. However, your pension contributions will either be lower or stop altogether. We will also supplement your state benefit if you earn more than the maximum salary stipulated by the WIA. In 2024, this is € 71.628,84. Read more about this at 'What do I need to do... sick or disabled'.
If you would like to know exactly which rules apply, see our pension regulations in layer 3. If you would prefer to receive a hard-copy version of our regulations, please request this via contact or ask your employer for an explanation.
In layer 2 in My pension you can read more about these subjects (only available in Dutch).