Which options do you have?
If you change employer and move to a different pension fund or pension insurer, you can transfer your ‘old’ pension to your new pension scheme. This is known as a value transfer.
If you would like to compare our pension scheme with another pension scheme, you can do this via the pension comparison calculator in layer 3 of this Pensioen 1-2-3 at My pension.
If you are about to retire, you can choose to swap pensions. For example, you could convert the partner’s pension into extra pension for yourself, or vice versa. You could also convert part of your retirement pension into extra pension for your partner.
If you would like to retire earlier than the age of 68, you will be able to do so 5 years before your statutory retirement date at the earliest and 5 years after your statutory retirement date at the latest. You may want to discuss this with your employer.
If you would like to receive a higher pension in the initial 5 or 10 years, followed by a lower pension later (or vice versa), you can opt for an arrangement of this nature when you retire. You might want to do this if payment of your state retirement pension will start at a later date.
If you would like to see all of the choices open to you - for example, extra pension for your partner and your retirement options.
In layer 2 in My pension you can read more about these subjects (only available in Dutch).